Election Of Officers & Management Committee 2025

The Election of the Officers & the Management Committee will take place from the 1st January 2025 and last until the 31st January 2025.

Nomination Forms will be made available from behind the upper and lower bars.

  1. Candidates for election shall be proposed and seconded by 2 Members entitled to vote. Candidate’s subscriptions must be paid up to date and they must have been a member for the previous 3 years and not be less than 21 years of age.
  2. Nominations Forms can be posted in the club mail box on the lower bar but all forms must be in the hands of the Secretary no later than the 31st January 2025 when the nomination process will be closed.
  3. All Candidate’s for the position of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Assistant Secretary must have served for at least 3 years on the Management Committee
  4. Each member shall have one vote for each vacancy and shall not give more than one vote for each candidate
  5. Each member is entitled to propose one only and second one only nominee for Officer or Committee
  6. A nomination sheet on which the names of all candidates for Officers and Committee together with their proposer and seconders shall be posted weekly during January on the club noticeboard. The Nomination sheet will remain posted until the ensuing Annual General Meeting
  7. A ballot by the members shall be carried out 2 weeks before the Annual General Meeting and shall be overseen by 3 Scrutineers who shall not be an Officer or Member of the Management Committee